The Program — The Last Workout Schedule You’ll Ever Need

Are you struggling to find a workout schedule that works for you and your busy lifestyle?Is it next to impossible to find a gym that can accommodate your specific needs?Does it just drive you crazy when your personal trainers never do anything more than simply telling you what to lift and when to lift it?Or perhaps you're actually just looking to expand your knowledge of how proper fitness programming looks and feels?If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions, or are possibly just looking to try something you never have before, then we have some very exciting news for you!We’ve recently spent an obscene amount of time and energy cultivating the most effective and enjoyable programming possible, and we’ve done this all with you in mind.The Program - powered by Wanderfit is now available for purchase at a low monthly payment of $14.99 USD.An educational experience guaranteed to bring you rising in the direction of your fitness goals.

One Size Fits All

The Program demonstrates a ‘one size fits all’ workout schedule and routine which any fitness level can achieve and enjoy.In just 60 minutes a day, it will push you towards your absolute best.With your long term health and fitness goals and needs at the core of our focus, you’re sure to experience an abundance of far-ranging benefits.[perfectpullquote align="full" bordertop="false" cite="" link="" color="#064BF5" class="" size="16"]The Program is designed for the overwhelming majority of the population of men and women of all ages who want to be as fit and healthy as possible, but cannot dedicate half of a day to training because of their jobs, hobbies, families, and countless other important responsibilities filling the other 23 hours of the day.[/perfectpullquote]This program really is for everyone!It’s going to help you radically redefine what fitness looks like in your life, and it’s going to help you do so on your own terms, and within your own scheduling.Note - If you are an athlete looking to compete at a high level, this program is not one you are going to be looking for. Please, email Coach Will and talk further with him about our Remote Individual Program.

Understanding Why

As if finally having a workout schedule that' in your control isn't enough, what truly sets The Program apart from the rest is our incorporation of teaching you why you are performing the movements we have prescribed.Too many fitness programs just tell you what to do without ever teaching you why you are doing it, which often leaves people feeling dependent and unempowered.We want to teach you, and help you grow. Not only physically, but intellectually as well, so that you can fully fathom the entire scope of your fitness lifestyle.We educate you through an offering of knowledge from our highly experienced team. We do this by maintaining an in-depth explanation as to the overlying intentions behind every portion of the program.

Anywhere, Anytime

Included daily are both scaling and equipment modifications. You can review the different options and accurately assess where you are currently at for the upcoming workout.Whether you are healthy, pregnant, injured, or anywhere in between.Whether you have a garage gym or are in fact a frequent traveler.Again, The Program is designed for you.The most flexible workout schedule you will ever have — all you have to do is set aside 60 minutes once a day. No matter where you are, or what equipment you may or may not have access to, you will be able to get it done with The Program.[perfectpullquote align="full" bordertop="false" cite="" link="" color="#064BF5" class="" size="16"]Our workouts can be done with the standard equipment found in most basic functional fitness gyms. We also offer limited equipment options, if you’re a proud garage gym owner or traveling. If there’s a situation where we program equipment that wouldn’t be common, such as a yoke or atlas stone, we’ll offer equipment or movement variations that will get you to the same finish line.[/perfectpullquote]

Track And Maintain Your New Workout Schedule With Ease

And enough with all this chaotically trying to keep track of your all over the place workout schedule.With The Program, you’ll receive access to our daily workouts straight to your phone using the online strength and conditioning app, Team Buildr.Within this App, you’ll be able to record your effort, performance, movements, workouts, times, and lifts. Which are essential pieces of information to maintain in your overall athletic development and fitness goal achievements.Team Buildr also has a large number of methods which you can use to analyze your progress, communicate with other athletes in The Program, get coaches feedback, and identify your personal strengths & weaknesses.

So go ahead and download the App, purchase The Program, and leave the rest to us.All you have to do is show up for 60 minutes a day, prepared to put in the work.Consider signing up now, as our pre-sale prices will increase soon!Let us help you by utilizing The Program to get you on top of and accomplishing all of your fitness goals.

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